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Have you ever been in God’s Waiting Room?
For others, prayers are answered one after the other. Shouts of victory ascend as the crowded space thins. Except for the clock, amplifying the passage of time, the room grows eerily quiet.
I, too, have waited. Prayed, worked, listened. Like you, I’ve given my genuine, heartfelt praise and applause as champions rose and received their prizes. Meanwhile the ever present “impostor” voice niggles. See? I told you you’re not good enough. Why bother? Quit now.
If a door opens, questions abound.
Lord, is this what You have for me?
A faltering step, a sideways glance, a breathless pause.
This week, I heard the unmistakable This is the way. Walk in it.
Cobwebs and doubts cleared, and light flooded the room. And peace that passes understanding prevailed.
Thank you, Lord! I wouldn’t say I enjoyed the Waiting Room, but I learned lessons there I might not have elsewhere.
If I were to list the countless people who’ve come along side me, who’ve sat in desolate spaces praying and cheering me on, their names would fill library shelves for eons to come.
Instead, I’ll just say, I am eternally grateful to everyone who has helped make this dream a reality!
Sadie’s Gift: The Christmas Cabin will be published in October 2025!
By the way, if you’re sitting in the Waiting Room frustrated, alone, feeling abandoned, wondering when your day will dawn, DO NOT GIVE UP!!! The ClockMaker has a perfect plan for you! At a moment He’s orchestrated long ago.
Don’t believe me? Check out my life’s verse - Jeremiah 29:11.
I’d love to hear about your Waiting Room experience in the comment section below.
Congratulations! God is so Good!