I have been thinking about how important it is to finish well lately. Good post!

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Hi, and yes it is important that we finish well! I feel like we're coming up to that all important line, and I can't wait to see Jesus' face!!! I soooo want to hear "well done, good and faithful servant!"

Will be so great to see you and all the believers there!!! <3

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Thank you for these words of inspiration and motivation for a new year, Erma! May we all find the discernment and energy and perseverance to accomplish the tasks God lays out for us this year!

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Amen! We need Him more and more each day! God bless you as you seek Him, too! <3

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This is a timely post as I have been praying for discernment about what God is leading me to fit into my life and what simply is not a fit for His will. Praying. Thank you.

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Thank you, Robby! I've been praying for the same thing - only so many hours in the day, which is a good thing, but how to spend them for Jesus is the best question! <3

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