Mar 21, 2023Liked by Merry Heart Ink - Erma Ullrey

Lots of Biblical history there...a good lesson for us all!

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Thank you, Valerie!! Glad you stopped by!! :)

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Merry Heart Ink - Erma Ullrey

I loved your point about how when David set out to do what God called him to do, slay Goliath, his older brother and King Saul tried to discourage him. Thank goodness, David listened to God and followed His voice, rather than the discouragements of the detractors.

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Amen!!! What a wonderful example for us today - follow the Lord, not the naysayers!!! Thanks for stopping by, Sherry!!! :)

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Merry Heart Ink - Erma Ullrey

Great Blog!

Thank you!

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Merry Heart Ink - Erma Ullrey

I love the pictures of Christ as our solid rock in the Old Testament. Great post!

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He is our solid rock!!! Thank you so much for stopping by Gwen!! :)

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