Erma, when I was a kid and spent time on my aunt and uncle's farm on vacations, I always had a book in my hand. One of my favorites (in addition to all of their Zane Grey selection) was a book titled "All Dogs Go to Heaven". I remember asking my aunt, who was somewhat of a crusty cynic, if the story was true. She answered that I should know better than that - the only books that are true are history books! Well, as I look back now on my decades of life, I firmly believe she was wrong. I have every confidence that the rainbow bridge exists, and when my husband crossed over into his eternal life, I just know all of our deceased canine friends were right there to greet him! Thank you for sharing this heartwarming story! Best to you, Tucker!
Erma, when I was a kid and spent time on my aunt and uncle's farm on vacations, I always had a book in my hand. One of my favorites (in addition to all of their Zane Grey selection) was a book titled "All Dogs Go to Heaven". I remember asking my aunt, who was somewhat of a crusty cynic, if the story was true. She answered that I should know better than that - the only books that are true are history books! Well, as I look back now on my decades of life, I firmly believe she was wrong. I have every confidence that the rainbow bridge exists, and when my husband crossed over into his eternal life, I just know all of our deceased canine friends were right there to greet him! Thank you for sharing this heartwarming story! Best to you, Tucker!
Hi Patti, I agree. I don't know why the Lord would've created such loyal loving friends if we wouldn't be able to love them again for all eternity!
His will, not mine, but that's my two cents!
Thanks for stopping by! <3