Apr 3, 2023Liked by eMarie

Loved, loved, loved this post!!! Were you peeking in my kitchen window when you wrote it, my sweet friend? Thank you so much for this reminder of what is the most important accomplishment of the day - time with the Lord!

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Ah, Patti, I'm sure if I peeked in your window I'd see your brilliant smile and feel your love for the Lord!!! He is soooo good to us, waiting for us to come to Him!! Thanks for stopping by, my friend!! :)

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This post is so true to our lives and the temptation to go it alone when what we need most is God's help. Great post and reminder!

P. S. I love the coffee mug and the flowers.

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Thank you so much, Robby!!! I marvel that I ever attempt to start a day without first spending quality time with Jesus!!! Glad you liked the mug and flowers, too!!! <3

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by eMarie

It's true! When we skip that quiet time with the Lord, the day is an absolute wreck, lol. Thanks for the reminder to be more like Mary.

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You're so right and "an absolute wreck" very aptly describes what happens when we miss out on time with our Savior!!! Thanks for stopping by, Gwen! <3

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